Thursday, April 18, 2019

Second Letter to President Trump Concerning Politically Correct Superstition at NSF

Dear Mr. President:

Yesterday I emailed regarding an article by Professor Philip Salzman concerning corrupt political correctness at the National "Science" Foundation.  I followed up with an email to Professor Salzman in Canada, and he responded.  I asked him who in NSF has been willing to compromise science for political correctness.  His answer is below (copied with his permission): The corruption is throughout the National "Science" Foundation. All are beholden to superstitious feminists.  Perhaps it is time to drain the NSF swamp. Professor Salzman's email follows:

Dear Professor Langbert,

Many thanks for your letter. I agree that it is very alarming when institutional custodians of science bow to, or worse, enthusiastically embrace "social justice" ideology, raising "diversity and inclusion" above merit and achievement.

To answer your question, I know NSF only from the outside, from its spoken policies and its deeds. I cannot tell you who makes these decisions, but this new culture is so pervasive, it would probably not be correct to imagine that it is the work of one or two people. I do applaud your representations to NSF.

Best wishes, 

 Philip Carl Salzman

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