I am voting for Johnson
not because he is not the lesser of two evils. I am voting for Johnson
because he stands for freedom, while Romney and Obama stand for totalitarianism.
Romney favors tariffs, a significant increase in government. If your aim
is to reduce government, Romney is the greater, not the lesser, of two evils.
The same was true of Reagan in 1980. He claimed to be for
small government, but he did not reduce government, and he opened the door for
massive increases in local taxes through his new federalism, whereby he
downloaded programs to the states. Carter had stopped inflation by appointing
Paul Volcker as Fed chairman (who implemented monetarist policies starting in
1979); he had deregulated the airlines and trucking. Reagan reignited
inflation and a 25-year stock bubble through supply-side economics, instituted
new regulation in areas like human resource management, and did NOT reduce the federal
government. Can you claim that Reagan was the
lesser of two evils? With the Republican-conceived $29 trillion bailout
of banks, the Republicans' bunkum has grown old. There has been no bigger
expansion of the state than the Republican-conceived $29 trillion bailout of
2009. To support Romney is to support socialism.
Choosing between Romney and Obama is choosing between two
candidates who support the Federal Reserve Bank’s swap of $29 trillion in real
assets for banks’ failed investments. The Fed’s printed money comes out of my
pocket--it is stolen.
I oppose both thieving
gangsters: Romney and Obama. Neither Romney nor Obama are the lesser of
two evils. They both represent significant, direct harm to me and to this country;
their supporters participate in their national socialism, just as the good
Germans did under Hitler.