Friday, June 28, 2019

Noah Carl is a Hero

Noah Carl is a recent Ph.D. graduate who was subjected to an Antifa attack at Cambridge University, which had hired him as a research fellow. The reason for the attack is that Carl researches IQ, concerning which the left prefers superstition to science. Dan Klein has written a piece about Carl's case at the James G. Martin Center. Klein has forwarded a Crowdfunding link, which will enable Carl to pursue a case. 


Anonymous said...

It's odd that this blog post leaves out almost all details of the the case against Carl, summarizing it only as a leftist bias against IQ research. I had not previously heard of Carl, and given the brevity of the description of the case against him presented in this blog post, I was motivated to seek out more information. As a quick Google search will tell you, it is no secret that Cambridge justified the removal of Carl on grounds of pseudoscientific practice. This seems to encompass a clear desire to push a political agenda, which conflicts with objective social science--in the same way that a liberal bias would also interfere with objective social science. So, whatever your beliefs about Cambridge's intentions, you need to include that information in your blog post. Why? Because if your agenda is to help raise money for this man, then you need to present the reader with all the relevant facts. Omission of this kind of information is deceitful.

Mitchell Langbert said...

Your claim is nonsensical on a number of levels. In the case of academic malpractice, competent professionalism requires a formal review, which necessarily involves formal input from academic peers. No such review occurred, which amounts to pseudoscientific practice on Cambridge's, not Carl's, part. Whatever the pretext, and a vacuous phrase like "pseudoscientific practice" is necessarily a pretext, there would need to be a formal review, involving letters from peers. Can you produce any evidence that a formal process involving peer review occurred? Such a process would take about a year, but Carl was summarily fired in response to the demonstrations of dumbed-down, left-wing totalitarians. As far as your sleazy allegation that I have some connection to Carl or a financial interest, perhaps you are a half-educated student, a welfare grifter, or a quarter-educated adjunct professor whose aim is to maximize welfare benefits that accrue when a totalitarian or fascist state expands. In other words, why don't you get an honest job instead of trolling?