Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chris Edes for Rochester, NY School Board

I just mailed the following press release on behalf of the New York Republican Liberty Caucus:

--For Immediate Release--
--Republican Liberty Caucus--

Republican Liberty Caucus

The Republican Liberty Caucus of New York, a group of approximately 200 liberty-oriented Republicans around the state, has endorsed Chris Edes, who is running on the Libertarian ticket in Rochester. Mr. Edes was endorsed on October 12 at a special meeting of the New York executive committee. Also endorsed by the Libertarian Party, Mr. Edes will appear on the ballot on the Libertarian Party line.

Speaking about the endorsement, Edes said: "I'm pleased to receive the RLC endorsement. The Republican Liberty Caucus is the vanguard of Republican thinking for the 21st Century."

Mr. Edes aims to bring new ideas to the school debate. He is not part of the political establishment, and so is not part of the Democratic Party's failed educational policies that respond to political pressure from teachers' unions and an educational establishment that is encumbered by lockstep political correctness; neglect of basic three r's education; and a willingness to tax this State out of existence.

As Diane Ravitch points out in her book Left Back: A Century of Battles over School Reform, progressive education and the cumbersome bureaucracy associated with big government have left generations of students unable to perform and a nation that has flagged in the global marketplace.

To find out more information about Mr. Edes' campaign, visit his website at .

The Republican Liberty Caucus favors a reduced scope of government in order to permit New York to become more competitive. Future generations will be deprived of freedom and the fruits of economic innovation because of encroaching socialism. For further information about the Republican Liberty Caucus please call:

Carl Svensson
Mitchell Langbert

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