I'm a college professor in New York who is a former Sunrise shareholder and has recently bought 100 shares of HCN. I'm also a former employee-benefit-plan administrator in industry and have published on pension-and-ERISA issues and healthcare reform. I have an idea for you, and I am happy to discuss it further. The idea is to transfer what you're doing here to Latin America and the Caribbean (e.g., Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, and Nevis).
The model I'm suggesting is this: A host country-based healthcare facility surrounded by a high-end retirement community. The idea includes three or four elements:
1. There will be increasing instability in the United States due to monetary-and-fiscal policy. This will make a second, foreign residence attractive to affluent retirees who may be interested in basing part or all of their retirement portfolios in another market-based economy as well as in alternative citizenship and residence that will diversify citizenship risk.
2. Healthcare costs are on the rise. Healthcare tourism is a way to sidestep the American system's costs. An American-managed, community-based healthcare system will take the perceived risk out of healthcare tourism. As well as providing a foundation for a large-scale community, the community's hospital could provide healthcare tourism services to Americans who want an American-managed healthcare facility.
3. The cost of living in Latin American countries like Costa Rica is advantageous and can draw Americans threatened by inflationary monetary policies and a declining social security system. This may open large new markets for your organization.
4. Many Americans might be interested in relocation as a way to economize and enjoy life in a new environment, but they are deterred by the uncertainty, bureaucracy, and language barriers of relocation. A systematic approach that would provide turnkey relocation support and services to Americans who wish to relocate but lack the initiative could open new markets. In effect, an organized approach can replace the transactions costs of individuals' dealing with visas and the like with an organized approach. These services could extend to citizenship applications, opening bank accounts, assisting with relocation, and language instruction.
I heard the latin retirement communities in Maine are fantastic. The culture there is very rich and the life is great.
I have been trying to find a good retirement community for my parents. Does anybody know a good place in Colorado Springs?
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