I obtained the graph below from the Council on Foreign Relations.
Part of the explanation of the low inflation rate and modest decline in the dollar is the increasing gap between foreign and US holdings of each others' financial assets. The imbalance is pronounced with respect to treasury bonds (graph also courtesy of the Council on Foreign Relations):
The absolute amount of borrowing has increased in step with the foreign share. If treasuries yield 1.8% and the dollar is decreasing in value by 2.75% (12.8% / 4 years, 8 months), then China has been consistently losing money on its Treasury bonds. Of course, by purchasing the bonds China stimulates demand for the dollar, which strengthens US demand for its manufactures. Assuming China profits from the sale of its manufactures, it may be breaking even or better because of the treasury bond losses.
Is this system stable? It would seem that if the US monetary base has increased 318%, then the money supply will eventually follow--perhaps to the tune of 10 x $1.9 trillion (the increase in the monetary base) = $19 trillion, or 700% times the current money supply. If so, the losses that foreigners sustain from holding treasury bonds will increase, and many will sell in order to ease their pain. The result will not be a trip to the field of dreams, but to an American citizenry facing a falling standard of living, perhaps markedly so, as inflation takes off.