Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Norma Segal just sent me the following press release:

"Bill Gouldman, candidate for Assembly in the 90th District, today criticized a new property tax proposal that would give relief to only half of the families that the current program includes.

"Gouldman once again called on the Democratic Leadership in the Assembly to put forth a property tax cap, which studies have shown to be the most effective way to curb the problem.

"'Residents in Putnam and Westchester County are feeling the squeeze everywhere, whether it's filling up our gas tanks, heating our homes or paying our outrageous property taxes," said Gouldman. "It is time for some relief and we need to start with property taxes. Our current representative in the Assembly has come up with a plan that simply doesn't provide enough relief and leaves out many who need help. After 16 years in office, shouldn't we expect a better solution from the Chairwoman of the Committee on Real Property Taxation? She's the most powerful woman in Albany on the issue of property taxes and unfortunately we've gotten rhetoric, not action and misguided proposals, not real relief.'

"Gouldman contends that the best way to solve the property tax problem is to impose a cap on the increase to our property taxes. By tying it to the rate of inflation, homeowners will be able to better afford the taxes and our schools will still get the funding they need. However, the latest proposal does nothing to slow down spending, which is the root of the problem. Property taxes will continue to grow unless the rate of spending decreases.

"'I'll be the first person to say that my opponent is a nice woman," stated Gouldman, "but unfortunately, she has been in Albany too long and has become an insider, simply voting for spending increase after spending increase with the political bosses from New York City. Evenworse, her committee has turned into the place where promising property tax relief proposals go to die. We don't need more elected officials who simply 'taxand spend' with no regard for what a budget means. We need someone with a business background who has the common sense to rein in spending and give middle class families a real break."

"After extensive analysis, Gouldman has found that the proposal is little more than a band-aid that is actually a step backwards from the current relief that is provided. Under this new plan, homeowners would still have to pay their entire bill before they receive a rebate, but the checks will go out to 1 million fewer people. In addition, homeowners who have owned their home for less than five years are excluded. Often, the people who fall into this category are new families and they need the help as much as anyone. Nevertheless, the biggest flaw in the plan is a
failure to rein in spending.

"'Even Governor Spitzer recognized he was wrong, when an overwhelming majority of the public disapproved of his plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens," added Gouldman. "Now it is time for our Assemblywoman to listen to the public and push for the property tax cap that we so desperately want and need. Regardless of what she chooses, I guarantee that I'll fight for it.'


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not only does Sandy Galef support the property tax cap, she has also pushed for a circuit breaker law that would limit property taxes for families and individuals, based on total household income. See a record of her accomplishments and her stands on the issues at