
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Berg Suit DIsmissed

Phil Berg's lawsuit has been dismissed, as per America's Right. H/t to several people who e-mailed and posted.

Illinois Residents--Call To Action

Contrairimairi writes:

Jesse White is the Illinois Secretary of State, and this is his office phone number: 217-782-2201.
I have sent him copies of two of the three letters I have written to Dan White, Exec. Dir., Illinois Board of Elections, demanding BO's removal from office in Illinois, as the provisions for a State Senator demand citizenship.
I just phoned the Secretary's office demanding the removal of BO for ineligibility and for illegally holding his office. Can you please have Illinois residents phone and likewise demand his removal from office. Hopefully, you have many Illinois contacts, and we can work at his removal from the "lowest" point on the totem, since it appears the likelihood of having things start at the top, at POTUS, do not seem to be faring well.
MANY, MANY Thanks,

A Message From Dan Friedman: Obama Is Reagan of The Left

My sense is that as we approach 11/4 a true picture of Obama is finally beginning to form in Americans' minds. Good for us, bad for him.

But this is a real cliffhanger. And anyone who thinks Obama is just a cynical left-leaning politician who, once in power, will be forced to the middle, is setting himself up for an unpleasant surprise. i.e., Obama is to the Left what Reagan was to the Right.

Will America have its Gestalt in time?

Andy Martin: Electorate Has Tuned Out Traditional Media

I just received this e-mailed press release from Andy Martin.







(NEW YORK)(October 24, 2008) Internet powerhouse Andy Martin has landed in New York and will hold a news conference Friday afternoon, October 24th (today) to disclose plans for the final week of his efforts to "tell the truth about Barack Obama." Martin is the author of "Obama: The Man behind The Mask."

"When we conceived our investigative trip to Hawai'i last month, no media or writers had been to Hawai'i to dig into the truth about 'the hidden Obama' or his secret 'birth certificate' that no one has ever seen. Now everyone is buying tickets to Honolulu, even my competing authors, see We have given Hawai'i tourism a boost. We have started a 'rush to land' in Hawai'i.

"Every Barack Obama showed up in Honolulu, looking for his 'true' birth certificate. Will wonders never cease?

"The very fact that we promoted a pioneering investigation of Obama's past in Hawai'i, and that others are now following our lead, confirms that we have created the Internet powerhouse of 2008.

"But the hour is late; today we announce our general plans for the final days of the campaign to tell the truth about Senator Obama.

"I would be remiss if I also did not express my extreme dismay at the mainstream media's latest act of malpractice, 'Republican' Quisling Colin Powell's appearance on NBC.

"The Powell affair explains a great deal about media reality in 2008. We have two presidential election campaigns being conducted simultaneously: one by the mainstream media to force feed us Barack Obama, and one on the internet where truth generally prevails, with notable exceptions, and where Obama is not our uncrowned king.

"What has become increasingly apparent to me is that a vast segment of the electorate has completely tuned out traditional media and has come to rely exclusively on Internet powerhouses such as Advertisers be warned...

"The Republican Party made Colin Powell and promoted him to the highest offices in the land. How did he repay Republicans? By stabbing the party in the back. Fortunately for me, I was never a member of the 'cult' of Colin Powell. I always saw through him as the ass kisser and mediocre military man he was.

"Had Powell previously made any of his criticisms known in speeches to party leaders, or at party functions? Not a word. He just waited until the last minute, when Obama appears to be leading, to start ass kissing and start looking for a new job to burnish his tarnished reputation.

"Did Brokaw press Powell with probing questions? Not on your life. They were two lovers on Meet The Press. Powell went on national television and smeared the party with an unfiltered attack on John McCain.

"Ironically, I tend to agree with some of Powell's observations. But both parties are being run by their extremist wings: right-wing Republicans and left-wing Democrats.

"It is the manner of Powell's betrayal, and NBC News' function as a megaphone for Obama propaganda, that I find despicable. The presentation of Powell's message uncritically and without probing demolishes NBC's credibility. Going on TV to trash the party that made him is a true indicator of what a sycophant and brownnoser Powell always was. That Tom Brokaw would allow this 'news' charade to be presented under his name shows why people no longer trust and no longer believe and no longer are turning to the mainstream media for election information.

"Where was Powell's backbone when he could have helped stop the Iraq war by forcefully speaking out? I am a Republican and I marched in the streets of Washington and New York to protest the imminent attacks. But Powell was more concerned with 'polishing' his legacy than with being a true leader in 2003. Now he is groveling to Barack Obama at the eleventh hour, hoping to snare a few crumbs from the Democrats. I would like to see Obama lose just to keep Powell out of office. Powell is despicable.

"Instead of challenging Powell's perfidiousness, the mainstream media have been parroting and promoting him. No wonder people tune out this propaganda. Powell is the mainstream media's designated Republican backstabber. He had jelly in his spine in Viet-Nam; he had jelly in his spine in 1991. He lied to the American people in 2003, and now he is groveling to Barack Obama and looking for a new handout at the highest levels of government.

"I give Powell a 'Bronx cheer' in honor of his birthplace. Powell and his megaphones in the mainstream media are the reason there are two election campaigns being conducted, one on the Internet where truth is the goal, and one in the mainstream media where liberal lies are the currency," Martin will state.



National anti-Obama leader and Obama Author Andy Martin


National anti-Obama leader Andy Martin announces plans for the final week of the anti-Obama movement

909 Third Avenue, public sidewalk in front of FDR Station, New York

WHEN: Friday, October 24, 6:00 P. M.

MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329

TO PURCHASE BOOK: Immediate shipment from or signed copies from


Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: Immediate shipment from or signed copies from the publisher are available.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I recently decided to oppose Barack Obama's election and became Executive Director of The Stop Obama Coalition, By default, I became the national leader of the anti-Obama movement. I am not acting as either a Democrat or Republican. I have had no contact whatsoever with the McCain Campaign. I am not a member of any political organization. The views expressed are entirely independent. I am acting as an American citizen who sincerely believes Obama is not the man we need in the Oval Office. We are going to run a very dynamic and aggressive campaign against Obama. I will continue to write my news and opinion columns for /s/ Andy Martin
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama is raising money to fight Barack Obama. Please give generously up to the maximum of $100. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama is directly dependent on the generosity of every American."
The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama limits itself to $100 maximum contributions; there are no bundlers, fat cats or illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised more than a third of a BILLION dollars, his opponents have raised virtually nothing. We can't just sit back and expect John McCain to do the job all alone. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He is currently based in New York selling his new book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2008. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over forty years of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.

His columns are also posted at; Andy is the author of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, published in July 2008, see

MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or cell (917) 664-9329
E-MAIL: [NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.]

Image Blocked

Friday, October 24, 2008

Captain Ed, Or Captain Kangaroo?

I just wrote the following letter to NewsMax in response to "Captain Ed's" insulting remarks concerning bloggers who have written about the Obama birth certificate.

Dear Editor: I take issue with "Captain Ed" Morrissey's depiction of bloggers who have been concerned with the birth certificate question as engaging in "a 'conspiracy theory' that had been put to rest by the Obama campaign over the summer but ”has arisen like a zombie yet again to suck the credibility out of the conservative blogosphere.”

I hold a Ph.D. from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business and have been doing academic research for many years. I have blogged about the Obama birth certificate, and I do not believe that I have done anything to affect anyone's credibility. Perhaps a clue to Mr. Morrissey's weakened credibility is that he insists on calling himself "Captain Ed". Perhaps he should give up sailing for a while and read the blogs he criticizes. In fact, I'm offering to debate him publicly.

I'm not worried about damaging my credibility because I do not think most of the people I know would take my debating with anyone who calls himself "Captain Ed" as anything but a joke.


Mitchell Langbert

Newsmax Covers Phil Berg Case

Phil Berg is making major headway. What is amazing about this Newsmax story is that it exists. Until now, the PAM , including O'Reilly and Fox have been reluctant to carry anything about the birth certificate. It has been like the Federal Reserve Bank, a topic that the PAM insults the intelligence of its viewers by not discussing. This is very encouraging. Very encouraging:

>A Pennsylvania lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States took an unusual twist this week, after a federally mandated deadline requiring Obama’s lawyers to produce a “vault” copy of his birth certificate expired with no response from Obama or his lawyers.

The lawsuit, filed by former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg — a self-avowed supporter of Hillary Clinton — alleges that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus “ineligible” to run for president of the United States. It demands that Obama’s lawyers produce a copy of his original birth certificate to prove that he is a natural-born U.S. citizen.

Berg's suit and allegations have set off a wave of Internet buzz and rumors, though Obama could easily have put the matter to rest by providing the federal court with the basic documentation proving he is eligible to take the oath of a president. But Obama has apparently decided to deny the court and the public that documentation.

The Constitution provides that any U.S. citizen is eligible to become president if the person is 35 years of age or older and is a natural-born citizen; that is, born in the territorial United States.

By failing to respond to the Request for Admissions and Request for the Production of Documents within 30 days, Obama has “admitted” that he was born in Kenya, Berg stated this week in new court filings...

Read the whole thing here.

Let's Rename The Media

I was just in a taxi on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. If you haven't been to the Big Apple in a while let me clue you in. Mayor Bloomberg has installed television screens in the taxi cabs. So you are force fed network-type news UNLESS you figure out how to turn the darn thing off, which takes a few minutes. The geniuses of the New York City Council have been so excited about the TV screens in the cabs that they decided it was imperative to waive the two-term limit for the otherwise do-nothing Mayor Bloomberg.

So while riding past Zabar's deli (great prices on cheese) I was forced to listen to a knock-off of network news. The bubble-headed, painfully stupid newscaster announced that Barack Obama is ahead in the polls.

When I got back I turned on the computer to read this message from Newsmax:

AP Poll Says It's Neck and Neck

"Wednesday,WASHINGTON – The presidential race tightened after the final debate, with John McCain gaining among whites and people earning less than $50,000, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that shows McCain and Barack Obama essentially running even among likely voters in the election homestretch.

"The poll, which found Obama at 44 percent and McCain at 43 percent, supports what some Republicans and Democrats privately have said in recent days: that the race narrowed after the third debate as GOP-leaning voters drifted home to their party and McCain's "Joe the plumber" analogy struck a chord...."

The TV type on the Bloomberg Taxi News was saying that Obama is ahead, but AP, probably their own news source, said two days ago that the race is a tie. As I have previously blogged, a one or two percent Obama lead in the polls means that McCain is probably ahead.

Now were the bubbleheaded taxi newscasters lying, confused, or illiterate and so unable to read AP's release?

It has become increasingly obvious that bloggers have missed one cue. There is no mainstream media. The acronym "MSM" is a misnomer. The question that has been plaguing me is what would a better name be?

PAM--Pissant media
FM--Fringe media
DSPM--Dull and stupid people's media
LBM--Liberal borg media
3M-Mental Midgets' Media

Any suggestions out there?

Daniel Pipes Calls Colin Powell A "Liar"

Daniel Pipes has written in the Philadelphia bulletin:

With Colin Powell now repeating the lie that Barack Obama has "always been a Christian," despite new information further confirming Obama's Muslim childhood (such as the Indonesian school registration listing him as Muslim), one watches with dismay as the Democratic candidate manages to hide the truth on this issue.

Instead, then, let us review a related subject – Obama's connections and even indebtedness, throughout his career, to extremist Islam. Specifically, he has longstanding, if indirect ties to two institutions, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), listed by the U.S. government in 2007 as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding trial; and the Nation of Islam (NoI), condemned by the Anti-Defamation League for its "consistent record of racism and anti-Semitism."

Read the whole thing here.

Jim Crum Pessimist, Raquel Okyay Optimist

Jim Crum point:

It is so hard to accept that our nation is toying with putting an inexperienced Marxist into the position of commander and chief. With no cantilever in Congress to check and control his ambitions and hubris, this is going to get very ugly. With no strong fourth estate to call into question any issues, you can count on more of the same once he is in office.

Raquel Okyay counterpoint:

I feel your pain, but remain optimistic. Let's remember the onslaught of negativity towards President Bush in 04, even on election day, where liberal pundits were calling it a Kerry win with a 6 point national lead in the polls. The same people who are in the tank for Obama are the same people conducting the polls.

My concern back then was that America was going to elect a traitor, who testified against American troops. Now, the concern is as noted, the Marxist beliefs of Obama.

Every single Democratic operative are getting on television and lying. Lani Davis with a straight face called Obama a fiscal conservative. Their mantra is deny, deny, deny until the lie becomes the truth. I have much more faith in the American people. The evidence is very clear.

No one is mentioning the "Bradley effect" good or bad, people will say they willl vote for a black man, and then they do not. This effect will cost Obama atleast some points.

And, I'm sorry to say, if McCain wins, liberals will go ballistic. They will scream racism, voter fraud, and cause chaos and riots. They will show their true colors, and then maybe then, will normal moderate people who don't really follow the news, like we do, will see how outrageous and out of the mainstream they really are.

One other note, as they did in 2000 and 2004, Cuban Americans in Florida, and there are many, will deliver Florida to McCain, because if there is one thing that Cuban Americans understand is that Communism is a failed economic system, and anyone who would cohort with Castro and company is on the wrong side of freedom.

Fidel Castro killed my Aunt, and tried to kill my father for writing against the communist government, I know first hand (or second hand) how brutal communism is.

America deserves better!

Jim Crum Counter-Counterpoint:

Well stated. My real worry is that the left is gaining control of too many levers of power:


In many ways, divided government does a better job of keeping the political scrimmage between the 40 yard lines. On the other hand, here in my home state of Illinois, one party runs everything and it is hard to describe how dysfunctional and corrupting it is. Ask Mairi (who is copied on this exchange and who lives in my state) her opinion, but my guess is that she would agree with me. Perhaps not, but I doubt it.

As far as riots, I really have no charitable comment. My only printable suggestion is counsel anyone to avoid it, as you usually end up hurting yourself and making things worse.

We will see how this shakes out…

Jim Crum

Obama's Incredibly Shrinking Lead: IBD Tracking Poll Shows Dead Heat

The IBD tracking poll is more accurate than the mainstream media polls, possibly in part because of the strong bias among the mainstream media. On day 10 the results were Obama 45.7%, McCain 42.0%, which suggests to me and others who have e-mailed a McCain victory, because all polls have a "Bubba" bias. Also, I have heard that people have realized that Obama's supporters become violent and begin screaming, drooling and throwing things when they hear someone will not support their sociopathic candidate.

Today, Dan Friedman has forwarded the day 11 poll which indicates that Obama leads McCain by 1.1%. Anything less than a 4% Obama lead suggests a McCain victory, assuming that there is no massive voter fraud. Given the bad ethical climate surrounding the Obama campaign, the corrupt Chicago milieu in which he has operated, and the cynical "ends justify the means" utilitarianism of the thugs with whom he has surrounded himself throughout his life, it seems entirely possible that this election will be won through the gun barrel and through fraud, not through the democratic process.

Mysterious Message from Metaqubit

Someone named "Metaqubit" just sent me the following mysterious e-mail:

>"Dear Mr. Langbert,

Google on the following terms, pick the second hit and you will see a definitive analysis of Obama's fraud.

Techdude + COLB"

During the summer I spent some time to compile some of these blogs in a single site:

Show Us the Certificate

I'm with ya, Metaqubit

Draft Cal Template To Sue For BOCOLB

Dave Archbold just sent this draft template that after a few revisions anyone in California will be able to use to sue Barack H. Obama for his certificate of live birth. Dave points out that the birth certificate produced on the pro-Obama websites Factcheck and Fight the Smears is not the actual birth certificate.

Dave's draft complaint is still a work in process because Dave is checking on some of the statutes. He writes:


>It boils down to what document was produced to prove natural born citizenship. The "Certificate of Live Birth" posted on the net is an alternative document to an actual birth certificate. What you have to know about these two is that an actual birth certificate is issued under normal terms as opposed to a COLB which can/is issued when the birth certificate cannot be found in HI birth records. Ask yourself: why can't the original be found?

Your comments concerning Dave's draft are welcome.

>The attached is a stock template for your review.

>This document is formatted for California in near-final format. It is not at this time ready to file with any court in any state. If you are in California, you need to change the plaintiff name at about three points.

>Federal statutes are presumed correct but may be in error. Final verification pending.
The paperwork can be changed for each state. The hard part is knowing exactly how each state works. The overall setup is that a state has an elections official that places a candidate on a ballot. What we need to know for each state is the following:
1. who is the state-wide elections official
2. how are the candidates placed on the ballot
3. what legal mechanism must the candidate do to provide the state-wide elections official with credentials (proof of US citizenship).
With that info in hand, this is easy. The actual rewrite takes about 2 hours to solidly proof for each state. Steve and I are still working on making sure the Federal statutes are nailed down as tight as we can get them.
Your localization effort is located in paragraph 2.4. All necessary modifications are colored blue. There is also a requirement that each document meet local courthouse rules for filing: you will need to know these and do ask your courthouse for help.
To be removed prior to any distribution: David Archbold, 858 610 1341,

1.1. Plaintiff John Q Public, [hereinafter “Plaintiff”] hereby offers this memorandum in support of his motion for injunctive relief, to demand performance of constitutional duties related to the Office of California State, Secretary of State by Debra Bowen, [hereinafter Defendant”].
1.2. Plaintiff’s complaint challenges the presidential candidate Mr. Barack Obama’s eligibility to run for the Office of President and demands that the Office of Secretary of State make such determination by acquisition of original documentation or by receipt of verifiable information from another government entity so charged with overseeing the election process such as the Federal Elections Commission.
1.3. Plaintive argues that when a challenge is received by the Secretary of State for the State of California to the qualification for office of a candidate appearing on the California State Ballot that the entire burden of proof falls on the Candidate for Office to present such information and documentation to the Secretary of State for the State of California as would be normal and customary to establish ones minimum qualifications for office.
1.4. Plaintiff argues that the Office of Secretary of State has the Constitutional and Statutory authority to make such determinations as part of certifying and executing fair and open elections.
1.5. Plaintiff argues that is it only sufficient to show reasonable cause for complaint to the Secretary of State for her Office to require documentation of the respective candidate relevant to determination of minimum qualification; that lacking explicit statute defining the requisite documentation that the Secretary of State has the intrinsic authority to set those reasonable standards that would establish certain confidence in the people in the electoral process.
1.6. Plaintiff seeks focused and expedited review, to protect the veracity of the electoral process and maintain the people’s confidence in the government.

2.1. Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution, states in particular part, "No Person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States."
2.2. Mr. Barack H. Obama is a candidate for United States Office of the President. However, Mr. Obama must meet the qualifications specified for the United States Office of the President, which is, he must be a "natural born" citizen. Mr. Obama has failed to demonstrate that he is a "natural born" citizen. There are other legal challenges before the Federal Courts regarding aspects of lost or dual citizenship, in addition to legal challenges filed in other states. That challenge in an of itself further demonstrates plaintiff’s argument that reasonable doubt exists as to the veracity of the electoral process that would allow such fundamental questions exist at this late hour preceding the election.
2.3. The California State office of Secretary of State is responsible for the veracity of the California State election process from verifying ahead of time the qualification of the voters, the ballots themselves, the candidates and the final counting and certification of results. That office is intended to be non-biased and to provide the critical sense of fairness and correctness necessary for the people to have faith in the fundamental underpinnings of the democratic basis for our republic.
2.4. There is a reasonable and common expectation by the people that to qualify for the ballot that the individuals so listed meet the minimum qualifications as outlined in the constitutions and that proof of those minimum qualifications has been received by the officials executing the election process. Heretofore, qualification for placement on ballot by the Office of Secretary of State required only that a person be generally recognized as a candidate for president or by circulation of petitions for nomination. Heretofore California Elections Code § 6041 generally states,
"The Secretary of State announces the names of individuals she has determined to be generally advocated for or recognized throughout the United States or California as actively seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party for President"
and further indicates that general recognition is accomplished through various means as described by way of the Secretary of State's Web site, including, but not limited to:
"a, Being generally recognized as seeking and advocated for the office; b, Qualifying for federal matching funds; c, Appearing in public opinion polls, candidates' forums, debates, etc.; d, Being on the ballot in other states' primaries; e, Actively campaigning in California; f, Having a campaign office in California; g, The Secretary of State may also rely on advice and input from the state party chair"
specifically, California Elections Code § 6041 relegates determination of eligibility for placing presidential candidates to the Secretary of State on ballot,
"when he or she has determined that the candidate is generally advocated for or recognized throughout the United States or California as actively seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party for President of the United States. The Secretary of State shall include as criteria for selecting candidates the fact of qualifying for funding under the Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1974, as amended."
A search of California Elections Code fails to indicate any method by which the Secretary of State is to validate or receive any of the criteria as enumerated within United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 1,
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
This practice, it should be noted, represents a much lower standard than that demanded of one when requesting even a driver’s license. Since the office of Secretary of State has at its core the mission of certifying and establishing the veracity of the election process, this complaint seeks a directive to the California State Office of Secretary of State to receive appropriate verifiable documentation and certify any individual’s qualification for Office whose basic credentials for that Office have been challenged by formal request to the Office of Secretary of State from a citizen of California State.
2.5. In the case of individuals seeking the Office of President of the United States, the US constitution prescribes a system of electors where citizens of the respective state have a state controlled election wherein electors representing the interest of the named individual on the state ballot are so elected to represent the interests of the respective state at the electoral college. Thus, we do not have a federal ballot controlled by the federal government; we have a California State ballot where we elect electors who in turn represent the named individual on the ballot. That is one more reason that the California Secretary of State has prevue over the certification of not just the counts of the ballots so cast, but also the veracity of the contents of the ballot.
2.6. This complaint of failure to carry out a key task in our election system could be satisfied should verification of candidate qualifications be received from original or certified documents from primary sources or from a verifiable report generated from government agencies such as the Federal Elections Commission. It is the California State, Secretary of State’s duty to certify the veracity of documents or reports so received.
2.7. To avert likely civil unrest and a constitutional crisis which would certainly accrue after the election through laborious legal challenges and impeachment process, this complaint seeks to resolve such complaints prior to the election. It was incumbent on the candidates to present such documentation, but to date Mr. Obama has failed to do so.
2.8. This complaint seeks specifically to verify through the office of the California Secretary of State that Mr. Obama is a "natural born" citizen.
2.9. At this point, Mr. Obama has not allowed independent or official access to his birth records and supporting hospital records. Mr. Obama’s citizenship status has and is being challenged in the federal courts which challenge will cast doubt on the veracity of the electoral system regardless of outcome if not resolved prior to the election. The California State, Secretary of State Office is specifically charged with certifying and guaranteeing the veracity of official documents and overseeing the elections to wit the people’s confidence in the fundamental aspect of democracy is maintained. To date, in this regard, Secretary of State Debra Bowen has not carried out that fundamental duty.
2.10. The Federal Elections Commission FEC is generally tasked with providing oversight and verifications of federal candidates. To date the FEC has not produced either certification or verifiable documentation regarding the candidates basic qualifications for office. Lacking that certification from the FEC, this complaint request the California State - Secretary of State Debra Bowen to formally request of Hawaii State Health Department officials to produce forthwith a certified copy of his “Vault” [original long version] Birth Certificate.
2.11. This complaint requests that California State - Secretary of State Debra Bowen formally requests primary backup materials if they exist of hospital records that would lend veracity to a Hawaii live birth declaration. A court order of discovery is requested to assist that investigation directed to the respective hospital if so identified on a live birth certificate.
2.12. Should Mr. Obama be discovered, whether by virtue of malfeasance, or negligence, or ignorance on his part to not have a valid certified US birth certificate or to otherwise due to have been revealed by such examination of original records to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States of America and thereby his nomination be declared void by the appropriate authorities acting under the law, Plaintiff as well as other Americans will suffer irreparable harm including but not limited to:
2.12.1. Functional, or actual, disenfranchisement of large numbers of citizens, being members of the Democratic Party, who would have been deprived of the ability to choose a qualified nominee of their liking;
2.12.2. Irreparable harm to the structure and integrity of the Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee. In turn, this too would lead to disenfranchisement.
2.12.3. If the candidate Mr. Obama were to secure the election and later be discovered ineligible, the resulting constitutional and national security crisis that would ensue would generate a severe and genuine likelihood of civil disturbance by virtue of reaction to said disenfranchisement and upset.
2.13. It was well expected that after all the public concern that has been raised over the preceding months now that Mr. Obama would have released for public or official scrutiny the relevant documentation to back up his claim of qualification as a “natural born citizen”. His reaction to public concern and his recent actions in Federal District Court 9/24/2008 demonstrate that Mr. Obama has no intentions of releasing said documentation for review or cannot because they do not exist. The late hour of this request was dictated by the delaying tactics of the candidate Mr. Obama, and the lack of California Elections Code statutorily mandated verification of candidate credentialing materials.

3.1. As we do not have federal ballot per se, California State, through the office of the California State, Secretary of State creates its own ballot and supervises the same, electing electors to represent our choice for the Office of President. This case arises under the California Constitution, Article 2 and California Elections Code § 6041 and the laws of the United States and presents a state question within this Court's jurisdiction.

4.1. Plaintiff, John Q Public [hereinafter "Plaintiff'], is an adult individual with a home address of 12345 Any Street, Your City, CA. Citizen USA.
4.2. Defendant, Debra Bowen is an adult individual with an office address of 1500 11th Street, 5th Floor, Sacremento, CA 95814. California State, Secretary of State.

5.1. These allegations and statements are not intended to be proof of the status of Mr. Obama’s citizenship or lack thereof. That will be determined in the venue of the US District court. The listing of the allegations detailed below are included to demonstrate the reasonable assertion of the need for the California State, Secretary of State to reestablish public confidence in the veracity of the electoral process and the obvious need for precertification as to a candidate’s meeting the minimum constitutional requirements.
5.2. By the U.S. Constitution, in order to run for office of the President, you must be a "natural born citizen" and you may not hold dual citizenship or multiple citizenships with foreign countries. U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1.
5.3. There are questions as to where Obama was actually born; in the United States or abroad but subsequently registered in Hawaii. There are further questions regarding Obama's United States citizenship, if he ever held such, being expatriated and his failure to regain his citizenship by taking the oath of allegiance once he turned eighteen (18) years of age. There are additional questions regarding Obama's multi-citizenships with foreign countries, which he may still maintain. To date, Obama has refused to prove he is qualified under the U.S. Constitution and his eligibility to run as President of the United States despite requests and recent opportunities to do so in Federal Court.
5.4. The "certificate" that Mr. Obama has posted on his official Web site is a "Certification of Live Birth," and not a “Birth Certificate” from Hawaii. There is no indication on even this certificate as to specifically where the birth took place.
5.5. Researchers have claimed to have been unable to locate any birthing records in island hospitals for Barak Obama’s mother. Mr. Obama has offered none for review.
5.6. Three forensic document experts have published extensive reports claiming that there is evidence of tampering on even the Obama Web site displayed certificate.
5.7. Numerous Freedom of Information Requests have been sent to Officials in Hawaii with no response from the public officials nor has Mr. Obama granted access for release of the information lending to the concern over the veracity of the attestation on the candidate’s application for candidacy for the office of President of the United States.
5.8. The facts are undisputed by Obama that his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was a U.S. citizen however, his father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a citizen of Kenya. Obama's parents, according to divorce records, were married on or about February 2, 1961.
5.9. Obama claims he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961; however, has never given the name of the hospital he was born in; whereas there are reports that Obama's grandmother on his father's side, half brother and half sister claim Mr. Barack H. Obama was born in Kenya. Reports further reflect that Mr. Obama's mother went to Kenya during her pregnancy. Wayne Madsen, Journalist with Online Journal as a contributing writer and published an article on June 9, 2008 stating that a research team went to Mombassa, Kenya, and located a Certificate Registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. at a Kenya Maternity Hospital, to his father, a Kenyan citizen and his mother, a U.S. citizen. There are claims of records of a "registry of birth" for Obama, on or about August 8, 1961 in the public records office in Hawaii, but these have not been released for scrutiny. It is alleged in the Federal trial and is a matter of much general speculation that Mr. Obama’s mother was prevented from boarding a flight from Kenya to Hawaii at her late stage of pregnancy, which apparently was a normal restriction to avoid births during a flight. It is likely that Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama) gave birth to Obama in Kenya, after which she flew to Hawaii and registered Obama's birth.
5.10. Regarding the alleged birth of Barack Hussein Obama in Honolulu, Hawaii, it is variously circulated that Obama's birth is reported as occurring at two (2) separate hospitals, Kapiolani Hospital and Queens Hospital. Obama has provided no proof of birth from of either of these or any other US based facility. He has made no effort to address these public concerns.
5.11. There are no published or known hospital birthing records for Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama), Obama's mother. There are only claims of records of a "registry of birth" for Obama, on or about August 8, 1961 in the public records office in Hawaii.
5.12. There is even a Canadian Birth Certificate posted on the Internet in the name of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.; however, the date of birth shows to be August 23, 1961
5.13. At the time of Obama's birth in 1961, Kenya was a British Colony. Subsequently, under the Independence Constitution of Kenya, Mr. Barack H. Obama became a Kenyan citizen on December 12, 1963. There are no indications or reports that Mr. Obama ever renounced that dual citizenship conferred either by nature of birth or by virtue of his father’s Kenyan citizenship. On Mr. Obama’s Senate Web site, Mr. Obama acknowledges his father holds Kenyan nationality but avoids addressing that that he (Mr. Obama) also held/holds Kenyan nationality.
5.14. If in fact Obama was born in Kenya, the laws on the books in the United States at the time of his birth stated if a child is born abroad and one parent was a U.S. Citizen, which would have been his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama's mother would have had to live ten (10) years in the United States, five (5) of which were after the age of fourteen (14). At the time of Obama's birth, his mother was only eighteen (18) and therefore did not meet the residency requirements under the law to give her son (Obama) U.S. Citizenship much less the status of “natural born.” The laws in effect at the time of Obama's birth prevented U.S. Citizenship at birth of children born abroad to a U.S. Citizen parent and a non-citizen parent, if the citizen parent was under the age of nineteen (19) at the time of the birth of the child. Obama's mother did not qualify under the law on the books to register Obama as a "natural born" citizen. Section 301(a)(7) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of June 27, 1952, 66 Stat. 163, 235, 8 U.S.C. §1401(g), Matter of S-F-and G-, 2 I & N Dec. 182 (B.I.A.) approved (Att'y Gen. 1944). Obama would have only been Naturalized and a Naturalized citizen is not qualified nor eligible to run for Office of the President. U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section Clause 4.
5.15. Furthermore, if Obama had been born in Kenya, his birth father Barack Obama, Sr. was a citizen of Kenya; therefore, Obama would have automatically become a citizen of Kenya.
5.16. The Nationality Act of 1940 provided for the loss of citizenship when the person became naturalized upon the naturalization of his or her parent having custody of such person. Obama's mother expatriated her U.S. Citizenship when she married Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia and relocated herself and her son (Obama) to Indonesia.
5.17. Obama was enrolled by his parents in a public school, Fransiskus Assisi School in Jakarta, Indonesia. Plaintiff has available copies of the school registration where it clearly states Obama's name as Barry Soetoro and lists his citizenship as Indonesian, Obama's father is listed as Lolo Soetoro, Obama's date of birth and place of birth are listed as August 4,1961 in Honolulu and Obama's Religion is listed as Islam. This document was verified by television show Inside Edition, whose reporter, Matt Meagher took the actual footage of the school record.
5.18. In or about 1971, Obama's mother sent Obama back to Hawaii. Obama was ten (10) years of age upon his return to Hawaii.
5.19. Sometime after the return of Obama to Hawaii, Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham returned to Hawaii and divorced her husband, Lolo Soetoro. At the time of divorce, Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham could have regained her U.S. citizenship. In order to regain her citizenship, Obama's mother would have had to take the oath of allegiance required. Such oath of allegiance may be taken abroad before a diplomatic or consular of the United States, or in the United States before the Attorney General or the judge or clerk of a court. Such Oath of Allegiance would have been entered in the records of the appropriate embassy, legation, consulate, court or the Attorney General and upon demand, a certified copy of the proceedings, including a copy of the oath administered, under the seal of the embassy, legation, consulate, court or the Attorney General shall be delivered. The certified copy shall be evidence of the facts stated therein before any court of record or judicial tribunal and in any department or agency of the Government of the United States. 8U.S.c.§1435.
5.20. Obama's mother failed to take the oath in order to regain her U.S. Citizenship. Therefore, Obama would not have been able to regain his U.S. Citizenship until he turned eighteen (18) years and then only after he took the Oath of Allegiance before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States, or in the U.S. before the Attorney General or the judge or clerk of court. Since the Oath of Allegiance would have been entered in the records of the appropriate embassy, legation, consulate, court or the Attorney General, then Obama should be able to produce in court a certified copy of the proceedings, including a copy of the oath administered. No such copy has been to date produced for public examination.
5.21. After many attempts of the public to obtain Obama's Certificate of Birth, a Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) was placed on Obama's campaign Website. However, as posted all over the internet, three (3) independent Document Forensic Experts performed extensive forensic testing on the Certificate of Live Birth as posted on Obama's campaign Website. The Forensic Expert findings were that the posted Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) was a forgery. It was further discovered that the posted COLB had evidence of having been created from an altered/forged from a COLB issued to Maya Kasandra Soetoro, born in 1970. Maya Kasandra Soetoro is Obama's half sister who was born in Indonesia and her birth was later registered in Hawaii. The altered and allegedly forged COLB is still on Obama's Website located at
5.22. Even if Obama had and subsequently maintained his United States Citizenship, which citizenship he has failed before District Court to demonstrate, he may still carry citizenships in Kenya and/or Indonesia. These facts call into question what the constitution attempted to address regarding potently divided loyalties with foreign countries. Thus, Mr. Obama carries multiple citizenships and would be ineligible to run for President of the United States. United States Constitution, Article II, Section 1.

6. Failure to grant injunctive relief will realize these detriments:
6.1. Failing to officially and publically vet the status of the citizenship claims of Mr. Obama will cast a pall of doubt on the election process and taint the election results themselves.
6.2. Failure to grant injunctive relief would allow a potentially corrupted, fraudulent nomination and election process to continue.
6.3. Failure to grant injunctive relief demanding the California State, Secretary of State certify the minimum qualifications of challenged candidates not only allows, but promotes an overwhelming degree of disrespect and creates such a lack of confidence in voters of the primary and electoral process itself, so that it would cement a prevailing belief that no potential candidate has to obey the laws of this country, respect our election process, follow the Constitution, or even suffer any consequence for lying and defrauding voters to get onto the ballot when they have no chance of serving if they fraudulently manage to get elected.
6.4. As stated above, Plaintiff as well as all American citizens will suffer irreparable harm if injunctive relief is not granted. Plaintiff does not have any other way of redress regarding these very significant and important issues.
6.5. Despite many complaints, the FEC has failed Plaintiff and the American citizens by their failure to date to perform due diligence and inquire into Mr. Obama's eligibility to run for Office of the President. Lacking such certification, it is incumbent on the California State, Secretary of State to certify or decertify as to the eligibility for office before the election based on the availability of clear documentation demonstrating that minimum qualifications for the respective office has been met by candidates.

7. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully prays that this Court:
7.1. Grant injunctive relief demanding that California State, Secretary of State Debra Bowen immediately acquire primary documents or certified copies from primary sources such as Health Department and hospital records or verifiable reports regarding same from the FEC.
7.2. Plaintiff requests California State, Secretary of State Debra Bowen to immediately demand such verifiable report from the FEC or demand a certified copy of Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth and subpoena as needed for the release hospital records if so claimed on said Live Birth Certificate to further prove he was born in Hawaii as Mr. Obama claims.
7.3. Direct California State, Secretary of State Debra Bowen to certify or decertify the challenged candidates prior to the election based on the availability of clear documentation.
7.4. Plaintiff requests the California State, Secretary of State to immediately demand a certified copy of Obama’s Oath of Allegiance proving he regained his United States Citizenship.
7.5. If Secretary Debra Bowen is unable to document a certified record of Obama’s oath of allegiance and birth and hospital records, Secretary of State Debra Bowen must decertify Mr. Obama as a valid candidate for the office of President of the United States Office of the President under the United States Constitution, Article II, Section I;
7.6. Award Plaintiff such costs and fees applicable by law; and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Q. Public
12345 Any Street
Your City, CA 90210
800 555 1212

I, JOWN Q PUBLIC, hereby state that I am the Plaintiff in this action and verify that the statements made in the foregoing Complaint for Injunctive Relief are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. The undersigned understands that the statements therein are made subject to the penalties law relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.

Explosion in Law Suits Against Obama Candidacy

Steve Marquis just sent me the following press release. It appears that there are currently eight law suits demanding release of Senator Barack Obama's birth information, a story the mainstream media will not touch.


Contact: Steve Marquis
Telephone Number: 425-698-7084
Email Address:
Web site address:

Lawsuits Starting Across the Nation Proceeding to Avert Potential Constitutional Crisis, Possible Civil Unrest, and Confidence in Elections; Lawsuits are being filed in Eight States Seeking to Require Barack Obama to Provide Certification of Birth in U.S. or Be Removed as Presidential Candidate on State Ballots.

Seattle WA. 10/22/2008 — Lawsuits in eight states as of this writing– Hawaii, Washington, California, Florida, Georgia. Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut, are seeking judicial authority to force the certifying or decertifying of Senator Barack Obama’s qualification to run as a candidate for President as a natural born U.S. citizen. Previously, two lawsuits have failed to force the certifying documents from Obama.

Philip Berg’s months-long lawsuit in Federal Court in Philadelphia reached a dramatic plateau yesterday as Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) failed to respond to the court that Mr. Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen and therefore not qualified to run for office of President of the U.S. They admitted to Obama’s non-qualification by their failure to respond to a 30-day court ordered discovery in which Obama and the DNC were ordered to answer a petition by Berg. Berg is a lifelong Democrat in the Pennsylvania Democratic Party who has sought to ratchet up the legal pressure as Obama and the DNC has continually delayed providing certifying documentation of Obama’s birth, which he claims to have been in Hawaii.

A lawsuit in Honolulu in the First District Court is seeking a court-order to open Obama’s secret birth records. Obama has thus far neglected a Freedom of Information request for the records at two hospitals in Hawaii. Lawsuits in Washington and Georgia are seeking state Superior Courts to force the states’ Secretary of State, as the chief state elections officer, to perform their state constitutional duties to require original certifying birth records from Mr. Obama that would verify his birth in Hawaii.

Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution reads: “"No Person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States."

There are numerous allegations questioning Obama’s claim of natural birth in the U.S. on the web and in the media, all raising suspicion and doubt as to Obama’s actual place of birth and qualification to run for president. Some of the assertions to which Obama “admitted” on Berg’s suit are: he was born in Mombassa, Kenya in 1961 while his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was married to Barack Obama Sr., a Kenyan; when his mother, divorced from Obama Sr, moved to Indonesia and married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian, Obama was adopted by Soetoro and became an Indonesian citizen; while in Indonesia, Obama had his name changed to Barry Soetoro; Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 under an Indonesian passport when Pakistan was a no travel zone for Americans; Obama had “admitted” to receiving illegal contributions in his campaign for president. Additionally, there is an allegation that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother claims that Obama was born in Kenya; Muammar Gadhafi, leader of Libya, has publicly claimed that Obama was born in Kenya and studied in Muslim schools in Indonesia. Obama has also “admitted” to hold citizenship in another country (the U.S. Constitution forbids dual citizenship).

Non-partisan and independent reviews and examinations of Obama’s birth certificate as shown on his official website has evidence of tampering and in any case does not list any of the points of information commonly found which would make it traceable and verifiable such as hospital, doctor, size weight, foot prints etc.

Interestingly, all these state lawsuits would be dropped if Mr. Obama would simply provide the requested documents supporting his claim of being born in Hawaii.

Lawsuits in additional states are being added each day. For more information about each lawsuit, contact:

(HI) Andy Martin at email:
(WA) Steve Marquis email: ; website:
(CA) David Archbold email
(GA) Tom Terry email:
(PA) Philip Berg email: ; website:
(NY) Dan Smith email:
(CT) Cort Wrotnowski email:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nazi Leaders Wear Tutus

Dan Friedman just forwarded this link to the BBC website. The leader of the far-right Alliance for Austria's Future, Stefan Petzner:

"told Austrian radio that Mr Haider, whom he met five years ago, was 'the man of my life'. Mr Haider, 58, died in a high-speed car crash earlier this month. He had a high blood alcohol level. His party, the Alliance for Austria's Future, insisted on Thursday that Mr Petzner 'wasn't his lover'.

Haider was the former head of the far-right party. According to the BBC:

"Mr Petzner has described feeling a magnetic attraction to Mr Haider.

"'We had a special relationship that went far beyond friendship," Mr Petzner said in an emotional interview on Austrian national radio.

"'Joerg and I were connected by something truly special. He was the man of my life," he added. 'I loved him as a best friend.'"

Obamatipping Your Waiter: Contrairimairi's Brother's Reply

Contrairimairi (also h/t Dan Friedman) just forwarded a post from the legendary blogger Doug Ross, based on an Eagle Tribune letter, about what I will call an "Obama-tip", that is, giving your waiter's tip to a homeless person because "it's good to spread the wealth around."

The following is from the Doug Ross post:

>Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign the read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.

Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed--just imagine the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.

May have to try this next time I'm out on the town. And be packing I might add.


Contrairimairi's Brother Replies:

>The guy did right (by Obama's measure) not to give the tip to the server, but he shouldn't have given $10 to the homeless guy outside. No, no, no! He *should* have sent it to his senator or congress critter so that they could take $8 of it first for "overhead" and "campaign modernization". The resulting $2 should have been sent to a local socialist group, who could send out their own damn street walkers to find the homeless folks, keeping $1 for each walker, and giving the homeless guy $1. Maybe.

The advantage of this approach is that (besides being much more realistic), it keeps the bulk of the money in the hands of the needy fat cats who can really use it, say, to get elected, and for the socialist street walkers who are burning up valuable shoe rubber. The homeless guy doesn't need as much and so shouldn't get as much. He also wasn't burning up shoe leather. Let him go find an old pair of Florsheims in the nearest dumpster. With $1, he can even get a "meal" at McDonalds - or at least a drink to wash down whatever he gets out of the dumpster along with the old shoes.

Obama an Active Socialist in 1996

The United States has lost its bearings. That an active socialist, Barack Obama, has reached the threshold of the presidency suggests to me that the country has become too big, lazy and stupid, and it should be broken into distinct federations. This had been viewed as an option in the 1780s when Hamilton, Madison and Jay wrote the Federalist Papers, but they argued against the idea because size was necessary to strengthen the nation. Today, the returns to size are negative. The liberal establishment has bamboozled most Americans into believing their self-serving claims that book learning and academic credentials are essential to progress. But in fact America advanced by emphasizing practical innovation, not intellectual achievement, political correctness or theoretical grandeur. The error Americans made was to emulate the German university system that developed in the nineteenth century by sending many elite Americans to Germany in the late nineteenth century and then developing a parallel system here. University education leads to a belief in socialism and planning because it over-glorifies theory at the expense of experimentation and practical knowledge. University professors claim to be important, but have produced little of value except where they have worked on technology and scientific applications that would be the province of industry in a free society.

Bob McCarty (h/t Contrairimairi) produces a newspaper article about Barack Obama's involvement in the socialist New Party in 1996.

Sarah Palin More Jewish Than Barry Goldwater

According to the Jewish Defense League site (h/t Nancy Razik) Sarah Palin is technically Jewish:

"Here's an interesting factoid: it seems that Governor Sarah Palin is technically a Jew. Yes, according to those who have written on the subject, not only was her mother, Sally Sheigam, Jewish (making her Jewish by Jewish law), her father also had a Jewish mother. However, her father was a devout Christian and raised his family that way, so Sarah was raised as a Christian despite her status as a Jew. Nazi sites have already picked up on this discussion."

Left-wingers attack Palin for being anti-Semitic while Nazis attack her for being Jewish. Academics attack her for not having studied the economics of John Maynard Keynes while educationists attack her for insisting that school children learn the "3 r's".

I hope McCain-Palin wins in no small part because I will LOVE to watch the saddened expressions on all those liberal professors that a Christian Jew non cultural relativist who is NOT ONE OF THEM is in the White House.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Newsmax Concludes Smears on "Fight the Smears" Mostly True

Well golly gee. Newsmax concludes that most of the "smears" on the Obama website "fight the smears" are true. I wonder if that goes for Andy Martin's recent assertion that Barack Obama is really the son of left-wing writer Frank Marshall Davis.

Lowell Ponte of Newsmax writes:

>The Obama campaign says its candidate is a victim of “smears” — and has even created a Web site to fight such attacks.

But a Newsmax investigation finds many of the so-called smears are largely based in truth — and the Obama campaign uses half-truths, clever language, and ad hominem attacks to spin the facts.

Obama’s focuses mainly on anti-Obama messages being repeated on the Internet and talk radio, the only media where Obama's ideological allies are not dominant.

These "smears" and the Obama rebuttals are often framed in lawyerly language that leaves much wiggle room in the candidate’s answers. also makes no attempt at objectivity, describing Obama’s critics as “pushing misleading research and distorted claims” because they are “ideologues” busy “spreading a ‘pack of lies’ about Barack.”

Read the whole thing here.

Fireside Chat with Bill Ayers

Nancy Razik just sent me this video that compares Barak Obama and Bill Ayers.

Andy Martin Alleges That Barack Obama Is Really Frank Marshall Davis, Jr.

I just received the following e-mail from Andy Martin. I assume the facts will be revealed in his case, assuming that Hawaii's courts allow the case to proceed.

>The Obama investigation in Hawai'i, Part Three
Obama's Hawai'i Years: The truth finally revealed
Barack Obama is not "Barack Obama"

Executive Editor

"Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct"







(HONOLULU, HI)(October 22, 2008) Internet powerhouse Andy Martin told a Honolulu news conference today that after an intense international investigation he is convinced that Barack Obama, Junior, the presidential candidate is really the son of Obama's controversial mentor Frank Marshall Davis.

"Mendacious adults 'switched' Obama at birth. That is why he has refused to allow access to the original or 'vault' birth certificate," Martin told a Honolulu news conference. "We believe the original certificate did not list a father. Barack Obama became the father as a result of an agreement between Ann Dunham, Frank Marshall Davis and Barack Obama, Sr.

"Davis was already married to a White Woman. He did not need a nonmarital child by a second one. Ann probably refused to have what was then called a 'back alley' abortion. Davis may have felt that 'Obama' would face less stigma with an 'African' background than a Negro one. The civil rights revolution, of course, turned that gambit upside down. In discovering and understanding what happened we cannot forget we are dealing with events in 1961, not 2008.

"The irony in all of this is that Obama once stated he did not want his daughters to be 'victimized' with a child. And he is alive because his mother took the contrary view.

"Barack Obama has known this since adulthood, and the shock of this discovery still reverberates in his psyche.

"Ironically, what I have to say today dilutes the 'Muslim' theory that has propagated. Davis was not a Muslim. If Obama had told the truth at some point in his life, instead of living endlessly with the lies that were imposed on him by the adults in his life, we would have avoided a great deal of confusion. I, for one, have deep compassion for Mr. Obama. He is not the first person in history to be caught up in this kind of family fraud.

"The disclosure by the two women in his life that he was not the 'son' of his 'father' also explains why he manifests such extreme ambivalence to both his mother and grandmother. He is angry because he was cheated of his real father.

"Obama was robbed of his birthright of being the son of civil rights royalty, and of a father with whom he was completely simpatico. He could have grown up the son of Frank Marshall Davis, civil rights pioneer and activist, cutting-edge journalist, poet and man of letters. Mr. Davis was an extraordinary man in a dark period of this nation's history, the pre-dawn of the civil rights era.

"Obama has probably suspended his campaign and is flying to Honolulu because he is deathly afraid his grandmother may make a 'dying declaration' and blow the whistle on his family fraud. Dying people often blurt out the truth. The true facts of Obama's parentage also reflect why there has been so much tension and alienation, as well as genuine love, in Obama's relationship with his grandmother.

"There has been a great deal of confusion and misconception about Frank Marshall Davis. A brief history lesson is essential to understanding the bizarre facts of Obama's provenance.

"During the 1920's and 30's many Negros (African-Americans) became 'communists' because the Soviet Union and the Communist Party USA promised to end racial segregation and Jim Crow laws in the United States. The Democratic Party, of course, was the powerful force behind segregation and Jim Crow. So it is a twist of fate that the same party that oppressed Blacks has now nominated one for president.

"Madelyn Dunham is the last surviving person who knows the truth about the switch. That is why as we closed in on Dunham, Obama went ballistic, cancelled his campaign and came to Hawai'i to head us off.

"I actually carry an official, certified pocket-sized birth certificate on me at all times [Andy shows a copy to media]. But this is NOT my 'birth certificate.' The original certificate is held in the City Clerk's vault in Middletown, Connecticut. That is what has come to be known as the 'vault copy.'

"Likewise, the document that Obama has plastered over the Internet is NOT his original birth certificate or even a copy of his original certificate. It is a computer generated facsimile of an official record and nothing more. The original certificate was either handwritten or typewritten, not computer-generated in 1961. No one has ever seen that original certificate except the people that are working so hard to keep it hidden from the American people.

"I am asking Judge Ayabe to impound the value certificate and have the court hold it for safekeeping.

"By the time Barack Obama learned who he was, it was too late to change his identity. He was who he was, so he continued the ruse of being the son of an 'African herder,' which was yet another lie. 'Dreams From My Father' bears no connection to dreams from Barack Obama; there were none. It was Frank Marshall Davis who communicated his dreams to his secret son.

"There is a simple way for Obama to resolve this controversy: he can either admit the truth of these facts and order the immediate release of his vault certificate; or he can submit to a DNA test. We can conduct a Maury Povich-style DNA test to determine filiation between Obama and his brothers, one of whom blogs at

"In closing, I can only say that we used the fictional 'Hawai'i Five-O' as our dramatic template for this investigative operation. We could have as easily used the great, real-life Hawai'i detective Chang Apana as our polestar. He was featured in yesterday's newspaper.

"As for Mr. Obama, all I can say is 'Book'em Danno." Case solved. Barack Obama the presidential candidate is the son of Frank Marshall Davis." Martin stated.

"I bear Mr. Obama no ill will and no animus. I have only been a faithful servant of the search for truth, and I believe we finally know the secret truths about who Barack Obama really is: the son of Frank Marshall Davis."

Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: Immediate shipment from or signed copies from the publisher are available.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I recently decided to oppose Barack Obama's election and became Executive Director of The Stop Obama Coalition, By default, I became the national leader of the anti-Obama movement. I am not acting as either a Democrat or Republican. I have had no contact whatsoever with the McCain Campaign. I am not a member of any political organization. The views expressed are entirely independent. I am acting as an American citizen who sincerely believes Obama is not the man we need in the Oval Office. We are going to run a very dynamic and aggressive campaign against Obama. I will continue to write my news and opinion columns for /s/ Andy Martin
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama is raising money to fight Barack Obama. Please give generously up to the maximum of $100. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama is directly dependent on the generosity of every American."
The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama limits itself to $100 maximum contributions; there are no bundlers, fat cats or illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised more than a third of a BILLION dollars, his opponents have raised virtually nothing. We can't just sit back and expect John McCain to do the job all alone. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He is currently based in New York selling his new book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2008. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over forty years of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.

His columns are also posted at; Andy is the author of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, published in July 2008, see

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But They Won't Cover Phil Berg's Law Suit

I just received the following message from Dan Friedman:

[One of the tricks you learn in Journalism 101 is do a report about a report of a politician responding to attacks rather than a story about the attack itself. That way you can repeat the attack, push it in the public's face, make the politician look like he's on the defensive, make his response appear partisan, even sneak in an unrelated bad-news poll - all with three degrees of separation and without giving away how badly you want the politician's opponent to win. The tactic carries a risk, though. If your readers are paying attention, it can make you look dumber than you already are. df]

From the NY Times-owned Boston Globe:

>"The John McCain-Sarah Palin campaign is striking back at a report about money spent on Palin's appearance.

"Politico reported that the Republican National Committee spent $150,000 to clothe and accessorize Palin since she was picked by McCain in late August. According to financial disclosure records, the bills include $75,063 at Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis and $49,426 at Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York. The RNC also spent $4,716.49 on hair and makeup through September after reporting no such costs in August." (emphasis moi)


Comment on the Claim that Increasing Income Tax Will Improve Average Earnings and Reduce Income Inequality

Those who claim that increasing income taxes will improve real hourly earnings have to explain the fact that prior to 1913 there was no income tax but real hourly earnings were increasing as much as 20 times faster than they have increased since 1971, when a significant income tax was in place. I tabulate some rough estimates of average real wage growth pre 1913 and post 1971. Between 1860 and 1890 real wages were growing at a 1-2% clip or so. Post 1971 they have been growing at about 0.1% per year. But there was no income tax for most of the 1860 to 1913 period. In contrast, under the income tax, real wages have been stagnant.

See comparison here.

Differences this big have been ignored in the popular debate about wage inequality. Something is seriously amiss here. Comments, anyone?

Wage Improvement Pre-Federal Reserve Bank, Pre Income Tax versus Post-Federal Reserve, Post Income Tax

Real Wages Pre-Federal Reserve, Pre-Income Tax

"In the United States, according to the data afforded by the census returns for 1850 and 1880, the average wages paid for the whole country increased during the interval for these years by 39.9 per cent...According to the investigations of the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average advance in general wages in that State from 1860 to 1883 was 28.36 per cent...A careful investigation instituted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Connecticut of the comparative wages paid in the brass, carpet, clock, silk and wooden industries of that State in 1860 and 1887, and the comparative cost of the necessaries of life to the operatives at the same periods (see report for 1888), gave the following results: average advance in the wages of males about forty-three per cent, and of females fifty-seven per cent; decline in the price of staple dry goods thirty-nine per cent; of carpets, thirty-six per cent; increase in the average price of groceries and provisions, ten and a half per cent. 'There was an average advance in the retail price of such kinds and cuts of meat as are common to the market reports of both dates of thirty-three percent.'"

---David Ames Wells, Recent Economic Changes, p. 409

Real wage increase over 25-30 years: roughly 30-60%

Post Federal Reserve Bank, Post Income Tax

Average hourly wage, 1971: $3.67
Average real wage, Sept. 2008: $18.17
CPI Sept. 1971: 40.8
CPI in 2007: 208.49

Average real hourly earnings, Sept. 1971: 3.40 /40.8 = .08333
Average real hourly earnings, Sept. 2008 18.17/ 208.49 = .08715

Increase: over almost 40 years: 4.6%

Can flat real wages since 1971 be due to income tax policy, when there was no income tax in the 19th century and real wages grew 20 times faster?

David Ames Wells on Socialism

"There explanation in no small part of what to many has seemed one of the greatest puzzles of the time--namely, that with undoubtedly greater and increasing abundance and cheapness of most desirable things, popular discontent with the existing economic condition of affairs does not seem to diminish, but rather to greatly increase. And out of such discontent, which is not based on anything akin to actual and unavoidable poverty, has originated a feeling that the new conditions of abundance should be further equalized by some other methods than intelligent individual effort, self-denial and a natural, progressive material and social development (the actuality of which is proved by all experience); and that the state could, if it would, make all men prosperous; and therefore should, in some way not yet clearly defined by anybody, arbitrarily intervene and effect it. And this feeling so far as it assumes definiteness of idea and purpose, constitutes what is called socialism."

---David Ames Wells, Recent Economic Changes, New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1891.

Unfortunately for Progressives and socialists like Walter Weyl, efforts to use the state to redistribute wealth in pursuit of "equity" have engendered the following. Division of society into more sharply defined classes than ever before due to Federal Reserve, income tax and other innovation-destroying government controls; the creation of segregated inner cities marked by chronic unemployment; inflation; an increasingly elite wealthy class that lives off investment but does not produce value; and the migration of industry to foreign shores in place of the rapid innovation characteristic of the laissez-faire period of American history. The spirit of envy; of something for nothing; of greed for a handout from the state rather than self-discipline as the source of wealth has destroyed this country's future.

Explosive Berg v. Obama Developments

Jim Crum just forwarded this from Judah Benjamin of Texas Darlin

I direct you to America's Right…where Jeff Schreiber has devoted all of his spare time to looking at the case. (Thank you beyond measure, Jeff, I don’t know where you get the time and energy. You are a hero, and Republican, or not, I hope you end up as Chief Justice.) Go to Jeff’s site, I don’t care if he’s a Republican, he’s the man who is in contact with the Court and with Berg and who breaks the news the minute it comes out.
Berg has struck back with a Procedural bombshell!

A motion requesting an immediate order deeming his request for admissions served upon Barack Obama and the DNC on September 15 admitted by default, and
B) A motion requesting an expedited ruling and/or hearing on Berg’s motion deeming the request for admissions served upon Obama and the DNC admitted.

These motions are based on Rule 36 of The Federal Code of Civil Procedure. This Rule, it seems, states that “a party upon whom requests for admissions have been served must respond, within 30 days, or else the matters in the requests will be automatically deemed conclusively admitted for purposes of the pending action.”
Needless to say, Obama and the DNC have NOT made any Legal admissions, or answers to the allegations, at all since September 15th, at least none of which Berg is aware and he should be if they have.

If Judge Surrick grants these motions, Barack Hussein Obama II is, at least temporarily, neither eligible for the Office of POTUS nor a Citizen of the United States, in Law.

Follow the legal developments here and here.

Barney Frank Aims to Soak All Who Can Pay; Mairi Is Angry (and she's not gonna take it anymore!)

Contrairimairi just forwarded this video :

Mairi writes:

Good Ole Barney........if BO gets elected with THIS albatross hanging around his neck, then I am VERY, VERY afraid for the America we know and love.

In his exchange with O'Reilly, Barney refused to accept ANY responsibility for his part in the Market collapse. I ask you......after we saw a republican Senator dragged through the press and courts for "pussy-footin'" in restrooms, why do we NOT see Barney tarred, feathered, and run out of Washington on a rail for his part in concealing the dirty dealings of his homosexual partner's part in nearly destroying America?

Intead, Barney states that there are plenty of rich people still out there to drain of MORE tax dollars. He's already planning a "hit" on them in the near future.
I am so angry I could scream!

I WISH John and Sarah would widen the horizon on what DOES make a difference in this campaign! They barely skirt the edges of what is important. Contrary to the MSM, these topics are not "angry, hate speak"......they are the FACTS! Like it or not!
We saw the poll results start climbing for McCain/Palin when they bagan challenging BO on his relationship with Ayers. Then.......they switched focus and began focusing almost solely on "Joe the Plumber". Well.......Joe is great, but Americans are still angry........I am still angry........and John and Sarah are still the best outlet for our voices to be heard when it comes to BO's "allegiances".

They state just a few of the facts about BO's "neighbors", and then leave us hanging. WHY haven't they come forward with the correspondence and tax records that PROVE BO and Ayers shared an office for at least three years? Do you think most Americans will ever find out? HOW.......WHERE.......? If people are not savvy enough to know how to find the info online, it just might as well remain a secret.
In recent discussions with acquaintances, I have found VERY FEW of them know many of the recently surfacing facts. They don't know Farrakhan referred to BO as the "Messiah". They don't know BO and Ayers shared an office in Chicago for at least three years..........many don't even know there are lawsuits filed demanding proof of citizenship.

I have to tell you, I am REALLY frightened. As much as conservative blog sites are trying to avail people of the facts, there are still far too many Americans who just don't know.........for that alone, there is no way we can expect a "fair election". If Americans widely knew some of these facts, I think we would be looking at a whole different set of polling numbers.

I appreciate all the hard work that conservative bloggers do to get out the message, but John and Sarah are still the best bet, and I hope more people will visit their campaign sites and continue pressing them to carry our message.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pastor James David Manning Calls Barack Obama Hate-Filled Liar

Candace de Russy forwarded Dan Friedman's link to this video on of the Hon. James David Manning, Ph.D. discussing Barack Obama's sociopathic lying. Dr. Manning argues that Obama's fractured family and his disturbed relationships with his mother and absentee father are at the root of his lying and extremist hate. In his own words that differ from mine in style but not substance, Dr. Manning makes the same argument I make about Senator Obama's being a sociopath here, here and here. The Manning video is located here.

Andy Martin Speculates That Obama Is Runnin' Scared

I just received the following e-mail from Andy Martin, who speculates that Obama is staying out of Honolulu until Martin leaves.

>Is Obama staying out of Honolulu until Andy Martin leaves?
If Obama's grandmother is so ill, why is Obama delaying his arrival?
Curiouser and curiouser

Executive Editor

"Factually Correct, Not
Politically Correct"


Why is Barack Obama delaying his arrival in Honolulu?

Could it be because Andy Martin is there, and Obama is waiting for Martin's departure before The Chosen One lands?

(HONOLULU, HI)(October 21, 2008) This column is just a short response to Barack Obama's strange behavior. We will have a full column (Part Two) later today after lunch. (Remember we are on Hawai'i time, so the columns come out much later on the mainland.)

Obama suddenly announced Monday his grandmother had been gravely ill for weeks. He has his own plane. All he had to do is tell the pilot to file a flight plan for Honolulu and take off. He's the king of his own armada.

But instead of rushing to his grandmother's bedside, Obama is waiting until I leave Honolulu before he lands.

Ask yourself, "What would I do?" What would you do if you had your own plane and mom or dad suddenly took ill? Would you tell the pilot to set course for Hawai'i, or tell him to wait three (3!) days before coming to your relative's bedside? How sick is she if Obama is will to delay his "emergency" for three days?

This entire episode is becoming curiouser and curiouser.

If his grandmother is sick enough to suspend his campaign, why is he "suspending" it days late? Curiouser and curiouser.

Last night I was out doing interviews that had to be postponed because of Hawai'i Supreme Court litigation during the day. My cell phone kept ringing with people wanting to alert me, and warn me of possible harm from Obama with his imminent arrival here. I do not believe Obama, or even his more rabid supporters, will try to cause me physical harm. They are too busy measuring for carpet and drapes in the White House.

But I do believe there is a powerful awareness on Obama's part that I have been pursuing his lies for four years, and we are closing in on his secret truths. The negative karma must be overwhelming. The thief always knows when he is about to be caught. ("Book'em, Danno?")

No one (except the groveling mainstream media) seems to believe Obama's grandmother is so ill that, in light of their past relationship, she merited a campaign suspension (more on that later today).

Strange as it seems to me, we are apparently getting to Obama, and he is increasingly afraid of the David in this David and Goliath (Obama) drama.

Is Obama trying to avoid me? (We leave Honolulu Wednesday night and he arrives "Thursday.") You be the judge.

Stay tuned for High Noon in Honolulu.
We are in the final stages of preparing a defamation lawsuit against the New York Times, and we expect to file by October 27th. Imagine if you will what the Times put on page one: A "report" in which only people who were willing to smear me were contacted, and no one favorable was allowed to appear, in which my successful litigation history was erased from the public consciousness (see Rather than a balanced and factual portrayal of a controversial person—I am indeed and indubitably controversial—there was a one-dimensional smear of the crudest kind. And they wonder why the MSM's are dying.

Luckily, we at "own" the Internet." "We take the road less traveled...' And that has all the difference.'" (Robert Frost) Watch for the libel lawsuit.

Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: Immediate shipment from or the publisher now available.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I recently decided to oppose Barack Obama's election and became Executive Director of The Stop Obama Coalition, By default, I became the national leader of the anti-Obama movement. I am not acting as either a Democrat or Republican. I have had no contact whatsoever with the McCain Campaign. I am not a member of any political organization. The views expressed are entirely independent. I am acting as an American citizen who sincerely believes Obama is not the man we need in the Oval Office. We are going to run a very dynamic and aggressive campaign against Obama. I will continue to write my news and opinion columns for /s/ Andy Martin
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama is raising money to fight Barack Obama. Please give generously up to the maximum of $100. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama is directly dependent on the generosity of every American."
The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama limits itself to $100 maximum contributions; there are no bundlers, fat cats or illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised more than a third of a BILLION dollars, his opponents have raised virtually nothing. We can't just sit back and expect John McCain to do the job all alone. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He is currently based in New York selling his new book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of © Copyright by Andy Martin 2008. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over forty years of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.

Obama Responsible for Sub-Prime Crisis

Jim Crum just sent me the following video on the Never Find Out website. It seems that while John McCain was calling for a reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for over two years, Barack Obama was fighting the very same proposals. Obama was a recipient of significant contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but McCain wasn't.

Contrairimairi Urges Mass Protest

I just received this e-mail from Contrairimairi.

>Please send the letter below to the following email addresses:

Governor Lingle, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Officials of the Hawaii Department of Health:

>By posting his birth certificate on the Internet for the entire World to see Barack Obama acknowledges it is a topic of legitimate public interest. And, I believe Obama thereby waives any right to questioning its verification. It therefore seems very peculiar that the Hawaii Health Department will not verify, or disprove its authenticity.

Certainly, once it is finally proven to the World that the copies of his birth certificate, that Obama has displayed on the Internet are forgeries, the Hawaii Department of Health will be thought an accomplice, and abettor of a forger.

The Hawaii Health Department should certainly know that the birth certificates displayed by Barack Obama on the Internet have been examined by several expert Forensic Document Experts, and "proven to be "forgeries". The mere suggestion of such, should have alerted Hawaii Health Department Officials, and caused them to take action against Barack Obama, or, the person responsible for posting the "forgeries". Why does the Hawaii Department of Health allow their good name and reputation to be used to perpetrate a fraud? This very serious deception could cause the Election of an unqualified person President of the United States. This is certainly an embarrassment to the Hawaii Department of Health, it's Officials, the Attorney General of Hawaii, and, the State of Hawaii.

I implore you to take immediate action to correct the negligence by the Officials of Hawaii Department of Health and the Attorney General of Hawaii and expose the "forgery" for what it truly is.

Kindly Reply,
