
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Contrairimairi Urges Mass Protest

I just received this e-mail from Contrairimairi.

>Please send the letter below to the following email addresses:

Governor Lingle, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Officials of the Hawaii Department of Health:

>By posting his birth certificate on the Internet for the entire World to see Barack Obama acknowledges it is a topic of legitimate public interest. And, I believe Obama thereby waives any right to questioning its verification. It therefore seems very peculiar that the Hawaii Health Department will not verify, or disprove its authenticity.

Certainly, once it is finally proven to the World that the copies of his birth certificate, that Obama has displayed on the Internet are forgeries, the Hawaii Department of Health will be thought an accomplice, and abettor of a forger.

The Hawaii Health Department should certainly know that the birth certificates displayed by Barack Obama on the Internet have been examined by several expert Forensic Document Experts, and "proven to be "forgeries". The mere suggestion of such, should have alerted Hawaii Health Department Officials, and caused them to take action against Barack Obama, or, the person responsible for posting the "forgeries". Why does the Hawaii Department of Health allow their good name and reputation to be used to perpetrate a fraud? This very serious deception could cause the Election of an unqualified person President of the United States. This is certainly an embarrassment to the Hawaii Department of Health, it's Officials, the Attorney General of Hawaii, and, the State of Hawaii.

I implore you to take immediate action to correct the negligence by the Officials of Hawaii Department of Health and the Attorney General of Hawaii and expose the "forgery" for what it truly is.

Kindly Reply,


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