
Monday, August 12, 2019

President Trump Should Say "No" to Federal Gun Legislation

I sent this message to the president. I was surprised to hear conservatives on Fox arguing for federal gun legislation that infringes the right to bear arms, which is unconstitutional.  Such legislation impedes citizens' abilities to form local defense units in the face of federal tyranny.

Dear President Trump:

I appreciate your response to the tragic shootings in El Paso and Dayton. Your response was appropriate, and a call for legislation may have been politically advisable.  Nevertheless, I urge you to back off from any federal legislation regarding guns.

The Constitution is clear on this issue: The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Such rights are necessary to defend ourselves from federal tyrants, whose emergence we are witnessing in the Democratic Party.

Moreover, if you look at the statistics, more people are killed in two or three plane crashes than have been killed in mass shootings over the last 30 years.  Passing legislation after a horrific event is equivalent to selling in a stock market crash.

Only about 600-700 people have been killed in mass shootings over the past 30 years, but 35,000 a year are killed in car crashes. Death due to plane crash is more common than death due to mass killings. Yet, airline travel is federally regulated. Hence, federal regulation has been a complete failure, resulting in greater, not lesser, death rates.

The calls for legislation have been defined, as too much is, by left-wing ideology that calls for a centralized solution to all issues regardless of the long-term performance of  centralized solutions.

The death rate due to centralized control of guns needs to include the mass murders in Nazi German and communist Russia, where guns were illegal and where elite, centralized parties controlled by the equivalents of the Soroses, Rockefellers, and Clintons murdered at will.  It is not surprising that the party of elites, the Democrats, favors centralized gun control, just as such parties always have.

The psychological distortion process known as salience is that explosive events tend to be considered to be more prevalent than unobtrusive events. Hence, many people believe that it is more dangerous to fly in an airplane than to drive.  Likewise, the sensation America's dumbed-down media creates around the tragic mass shootings are directly intended to encourage legislation that favors their bosses, the Democrats.


Mitchell Langbert

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