
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HUD, Section 8 Housing Assault Saugerties, NY

It appears that developers Regan Development Corporation, Dickerson’s Keep LLC, and Orange County Rural Development Advisory  along with Saugerties Town Supervisor Gregory L. Helsmoortel and New York State Housing and Community Renewal Commissioner Darryl Towns, likely funded through HUD, are at their economy-destroying worst in Saugerties, NY.  The townspeople are rightly up in arms at a proposal to build a tax exempt cluster housing that will raise taxes on homeowners.  With double talk of and bogus studies of "shortages" by Ulster County's inept department of economic development,  the town supervisor and developer aim to provide economy-destroying subsidized housing at the expense of taxpayers who have been thrown out of work by excessive taxation.   

Saugerties's Darryl Towns and the developers are economic illiterates who have never heard of markets addressing shortages.

The Daily Freeman has posted edited video of the meeting.


  1. Heads up,
    Wrong link or they changed the url feed to put egg on yo face.

  2. No, the link works. I just tried it. Just give the ad a section to run. Then the right video goes on.

  3. Over 600 apartments available for rent accepting Section 8 vouchers.
