
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Donald Trump Is Barack Obama

Given the steady deterioration of the United States since the 2004 reelection of George W. Bush, Donald Trump's sudden popularity among Tea Party circles doesn't surprise me. Trump calls for Obama's birth certificate, but other than race is Trump different from Obama? Obama was involved with crooked real estate entrepreneur Tony Rezko. Trump has spent his career in crooked real estate dealings. Obama rose through the ranks of the most corrupt political city in America: Chicago. Trump has been significantly subsidized in the most corrupt business city in America: New York. Neither have work experience that justifies their being president. Both have lived off government. Obama is so ethically challenged we can't get a straight answer from him about his background. Trump is so ethically challenged that he has spent a lifetime cheating lawyers and others who have worked for him. I know two lawyers who did significant amounts of work for Trump and Trump simply did not pay them. How many creditors did Trump cheat the times he went bankrupt?

So what, exactly, is the Tea Party? A movement of goons who flock around a crook like Trump? If so, then how do they differ from Obama's supporters? Trump is white; Obama is Black. Trump cheats his creditors, Obama lies about his background. What else?


  1. I have some information for you but unfortunately your email address as per you links is telling me it is no longer valid. Do you have another email address which is correct?

  2. The last comment I now see you confirm for approval so I will supply me email address just send me valid email and I will respond.

    Tom Puluczek MBA

  3. Three cheers for Trump then. Not paying lawyers puts him high on my ethical standard. As for the rest of the crooked real estate dealings - well you can tell he is a nihilist just by watching him on TV. Not paying lawyers may be the only truly decent thing he has done.

  4. That's my old e-mail. My correct e-mail is:


    PS-I hope you're not from the IRS :).

  5. Indeed, Trump Is Barack Obama. Are you going to ask Trump for his birth certificate?

  6. No, but I will ask for a list of all contractors whom he has cheated and a copy of his bankruptcy filings.

  7. Doug, I'm curious why you think that someone whom he asks to write a legal brief for him and incurs tens of thousands of dollars in cost should not be paid. Should that person starve so Trump can make money? What are they serving in the tea up there?
