
Friday, October 15, 2010

Ulster County GOP Candidates Highlight Annual Republican Committee Dinner

Peter Rooney Proves Assembly Candidates Can Be Cool
George Phillips, a congressional candidate who offers economic growth and an end to Maurice Hinchey's antisemitism
State Senator William J. Larkin kisses County Committee Chair Robin Yess
The Ulster County Republican Committee had an excellent turnout for last night's annual dinner.  I didn't make a headcount but there were over 100 people there at $95 per plate. The Hudson Valley Resort and Spa's banquet was good as were the hors d'oeuvres, but the big news of the evening was the keynote speaker, George Phillips.  Given this week's exposure by Ed Koch and American Jewish Congress chairman Ron Lauder that nine-term Ulster County Congressman Maurice Hinchey is an anti-Semite, Phillips got positive news today:  Karl Rove has announced that his American Crossroads organization is going to provide $300,000 in soft money for Phillips's campaign.  This is the best development for freedom since the New York Times's stock price fell to below $5 per share (the tabloid's stock now trades at $8.59, evidence nevertheless that the fourth generation of Ochs Sulzbergers to inherit the tabloid are as inept at business as they are at journalism--the Ochs Sulzbergers are a living argument in favor of their stand on the inheritance tax. The problem is that they always manage to exempt themselves from their inheritance tax proposals).

The speakers at the dinner were excellent. These included Pete Rooney, who's running for Assembly, Fawn Tantillo who's running for county comptroller and  Senators Bonacic and Larkin.   Phillips opened the proceedings with a dynamic speech.  His economically illiterate and antisemitic opponent, Maurice Hinchey, has much to fear.

Robin Yess put together a wonderful event at the Hudson Valley Resort and Spa

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