
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Reason Blogs My Interview with Gov. Gary Johnson

Reason Magazine's Jesse Walker just e-mailed that Reason has blogged my interview with Gov. Gary Johnson that appeared on the RLC site. Reason's blog is entitled "Johnson makes some sweet, sweet sounds."


  1. Contrary to this statement by Gary Johnson:

    "I do believe in a strong national defense. But our security is not threatened by Iraq and Afghanistan....I believe we should pull out of both and return our focus to fighting terrorism. The focus needs to be protecting America."

    I think American troops have to stay in Afghanistan and Iraq. While many libertarians might agree with Johnson, there is still the hawkish part of the Republican party that believes that our presence in both countries is necessary to keep America safe.

    It's obviously ok to support a candidate that you agree with 90% of the time, but national security is such a big issue, that Johnson's position on it would steer me away from supporting him.

  2. I see your point. The problem is I can't think of any other Republicans who oppose(d) the bailout, and I will not vote for anyone who favored it. I will not vote for a socialist. And there seem to be few Republicans who are not. They talk big about freedom, but the Republicans' freedom sticks are tiny.

    I hope this doesn't mean 7 more years of Obama, but unless the Republicans can find someone who really does favor smaller government, not Progressives like Newt Gingrich, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney or Carl Rove, enough of us will be standing down to mean that.

    The Republicans might start to think about what the party hacks are going to achieve by sticking to their socialist principles.

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