
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama Campaign Enraged Over Wright Ad

I just received the following from Scott Wheeler. Note the Obama campaign's continuing suppression of opposition speech.

We have now raised over $8 million in our final emergency effort to stop Barack Obama.

I can tell you that the Obama campaign is absolutely enraged by our activities and our new ad reminding voters of the close relationship between Rev. Wright and Obama.

Two of the major TV networks have temporarily suspended our ad because of complaints by the Obama campaign. They have complained about the pictures used in the ad depicting Obama and Rev. Wright.

Our legal team is fighting back. We expect to be back on the air!

Other pro-Obama supporters are claiming Obama was not really that close to Rev. Wright and that we are exaggerating the relationship.

The facts: Obama has stated that he was converted to Christianity by the Rev. Wright in his late 20s. Previous to that, as a child Obama had been raised by his stepfather as a Muslim.

Obama has described the Rev. Wright as a mentor, friend and advisor. His description, not ours.

Obama stated he could not reject Rev. Wright any more than he could reject the Black Church.

Again, his words, not ours.

All of Obama's attacks indicates this ad is having a powerful effect.

We are planning a final, major effort Monday night on television in key swing states and on Tuesday morning.

Anything you can contribute today will help our important cause.

Time is absolutely critical. Help us defeat Obama — Go Here Now.

Thank you.

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