
Monday, November 24, 2008

James Crum on Our Spiritual Crisis

I just received the following e-mail from James Crum:

>Our problem is not economic, or political…It is spiritual, and I fear greatly that our nation has been handed over to evil men with poor intentions. A self absorbed citizenry, greed, lack of personal responsibility on all levels, a willfully ignorant press, and a dysfunctional social contract have turned America on its head. Once this debacle savages the average American, they will give the issue their strict attention, but where they focus the blame will be an issue.

Mitchell, right now, I recommend reading City of God by Augustine. His times were similar to our own as the known order begins to collapse, and chaos is all around. Piracy, dangerous cities, mass migration, immense political corruption, the list goes on. He straddled the river between antiquity and medeival times. I think that is where we could head, but so much is not yet determined.

I live in a very nice suburb in Chicago metro, but now even our our area is becoming a concern. Not too long ago, five people were murdered at a local shopping mall. Our neighbor's son (17) was carjacked at a gas station, beaten, then dumped onto I- 80. The police caught the perpetrator, and then told the family to not press charges because the gang is too violent. I had a better idea to the Chief of Police- try shooting them as they tried to one would know or care. Everyday we are getting robberies in very good, affluent areas.

I am retrenching financially as I am able. My wife is stocking a pantry. I am looking into our property in northern Arkansas for a new home once the children have moved out. Firearms and fishing gear are on the list of shopping items. I do not see this going away for many years.

Billy Grahman said something to this effect a bit ago. We have called evil good, and good evil, and so the entire society suffers for it.

We need another Great Awakening... Jonathan Edwards, where are you?

1 comment:

  1. Dear James Crum:

    Your article is absolutely true in what you have to say.

    When the Roman Empire collapsed, St. Benedict arose and started monasticism. As a result, Europe was converted and its people arose from the chaos and rubble of the invading Germanic tribes which led to its collapse.

    Civilizations usually collapse because of moral depravity. The sins of homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia,contraception, embryonic stem cell research, etc have taken their toll on our beautiful nation. It is the human life issues that are causing the national destruction.

    I will never understand the ability of man to decapitate, dismember and burn children in the womb of their mothers. This is horrific and utterly non-negotiable in the moral order.

    I would suggest the writings of John Paul II's Theology of the Body and Love and Responsibility.

    When a civilization destroys its young by the millions, what can we expect to happen?

    God will raise up great saints again, however, what will we have to go through to have them arrive?

