
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Springtime for Barack in Chicago

This is the best spoof since Mel Brooks' Producers. Pamela Hall of "Silent Majority", links to this video by"People's Cube" to which Barack Obama's goose stepping followers object (also, h/t Larwyn). The Obama campaign doesn't object to law enforcement in St. Louis arresting people who criticize Obama. They just object to those who protest about it. Link to Youtube here.

Nancy Razik has forwarded a related video linked here:


  1. The bottom video is trully frightening. I already blogged how Obama's PREVIOUSLY USED "Hope" poster looked EXACTLY that of a Stalin poster.

    Injecting politics into children activities SHOULD BE ILLEGAL! It should be up there with sex education. It is the parents' responsibility, not the teachers' to talk about specific politics.

    Haven't we learned anything from Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, or Red China? The same people who promote this 'brain washing' technique would also damn the SAME practices done in the aforementioned countries.

  2. >Haven't we learned anything from Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, or Red China? The same people who promote this 'brain washing' technique would also damn the SAME practices done in the aforementioned countries.

    Joe, I do not believe that the American left has learned a thing from the Soviet Union, Red China or Nazi Germany. With a river of blood soaking its own hands, the American left has not changed one iota. It still advocates the same cultural domination, the same centralized economic planning, the same failed ideas that lead to butchery. Barack Obama is one more thug in the left's ugly pantheon.

  3. I suppose the 'logic' behind the left, is "we can do it right this time, I know we can". They think they got a finger on it, ignoring that past attempts ALSO believed to have had it right this time. The road to hell is paved with good intention.

  4. Leftists are the sub-prime borrowers of political ideas. They've murdered 150 million people and they want even more "credit"!
