
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Berg Files Motion For Expedited Discovery On Obama Citizenship Case

Americas Right (h/t Bob Robbins) reports that Philip Berg is filing a motion that Senator Barack Hussein Obama and Howard Dean sit for depositions and that the Democratic Party hand over documentation connected with their presidential vetting process, specifically as it concerns Senator Obama's citizenship and eligibility to be president. As well, Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs (h/t Larwyn) links to Obamacrimes, noting that Berg served Obama on September 4 with regard to his case questioning Senator Obama's eligibility to be president. You would have thought the media would have raised these questions, but not even Fox and Bill O'Reilly have avoided spin on the Obama citizenship question. Sean Hannity likes to call Fox an alternative media source, but they have tread carefully with respect to asking hard questions, like "Please give us a hard copy of your birth certificate. Pretty Please?"

America's Right notes that the Berg motion would mandate that Senator Obama hand over his birth certificate; any oath of allegiance; passport records; adoption records; FBI background check; his birth certificate from Kenya; and any and all documents concerning his name changes. I asked for much of that list from various government agencies whose job it is to oversee elections, but who do a dismal job at it, such as Donald McGahan's Federal Election Commission. And these guys want to manage health care? We should outsource the management of the election system. This crew is too incompetent to handle it.

Mr. Berg is certainly to be commended for this suit. The media is avoiding it like the plague. Bill O'Reilly of Fox did not question Mr. Obama about these issues during his mealy-mouthed interview this evening and last week, and Fox is the best media we've got.

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