
Monday, April 14, 2008

Repeal the Federal Income Tax

April 15 is nearly upon us. Those who pay taxes might consider the low quality of government services and the high amount of federal tax that they pay. On balance, the income tax destroys savings and personal independence, while the uses to which Congress has put the money are of scant value. The income tax should be repealed. I have written the follwing letter to my Congressman, Maurice Hinchey:

April 14, 2008

Dear Congressman Hinchey:

I urge Congress to repeal the federal income tax. Congress has not proven itself intellectually or morally fit to take possession of so large a share of the American purse. I urge you to return the money to the American people, except for a small amount that Congress might devote to its own education by taking basic economics and ethics courses.


Mitchell Langbert, Ph.D.

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