
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

President Trump: Bury the Fake Media

Dear Mr. President:
I recently spoke with a former employee of a conservative think tank, which was outed in the media. He lost his job, and he has since been having trouble finding work in your administration and in other foundations.  Part of the reason is that, in addition, he wrote posts on Facebook of which the left does not approve, and the inspector general’s office in your administration has interfered with his hiring.  They apparently went through all of his social media posts.   I have only heard one side of this story, but I have a few suggestions: 
1.        The IG’s office and all other executive-branch offices need to be investigated as to Antifa and far-left influence.  
2.       Your administration should encourage, not discourage, politically incorrect hiring;  postings of which the Deep State, the fake media, and Antifa do not approve should not interfere with hiring.  Totalitarian disapproval should not deter your administration from hiring conservatives.  
3.       Decisions like that of eliminating Stephen Moore and Herman Cain from consideration for the Fed need to be revisited. There are many other instances. The ongoing cowardice of conservatives and Republicans toward totalitarian bullying needs to end.  Your leadership can make that happen. Outing in the media is an honor, not a disgrace. Your administration should adopt a thoroughgoing political incorrectness.  Bury the fake media.

Best regards,

Mitchell Langbert, Ph.D.