
Friday, July 1, 2016

LERA Posts My Exchange with Bruce E. Kaufman

The Labor and Employment Relations Association is the world's leading academic learned society that focuses on industrial relations.  Earlier this year Daniel B. Klein's  Econ Journal Watch published my article "The Left Orientation of Industrial Relations," in which I document the field’s left-wing orientation.   The article reviews the political affiliations of the faculty and the ideological orientation of their publications. 

Professor Bruce E. Kaufman, a leading industrial relations scholar, wrote a response to my piece, and Econ Journal Watch published Professor Kaufman's response and my reply.  LERA's website has now republished the exchange.  As Dan Klein just emailed to Heterodox Academy, "LERA is a central player in the very field that Langbert treats. A nice example of a left-oriented outfit opening its attention to our point of view: